Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Hanging here in Limbo where everything is okay, not great, not bad, okay.  You know what?  That's okay right now.  I just got through a test of my endurance and ability to meet a deadline and a challenge to myself as a writer and and and, It's just nice to have, like, one or two things going on.

I have a Mind/Body Connection Workshop coming up in August, until then, I am enjoying strengthening my connection to self.  Listening to the inner voice of what it truly desires, what it really wants from me.

That's where it gets tricky.  I don't know about you, but I rarely get just one message at a time.  Brain is tired, wants sleep, tummy is hungry wants food, body is feeling stuck wants exercise, nerves need whole nutritious food but it's reading as "comfort food"... we have so much going on in our bodies at any given moment, and while our brain is keeping track meticulously, or conscious mind can only handle 5-7 bits of info at any time.

Don't feel bad if you don't know what you want right now.  It's okay, we are taught to want what we are told to want, very rarely do we examine the validity of our cravings.  Start now.  Take a pause before you eat or buy something.  DO you really want that?  Who told you you should want it?  Was it you?  No?  Then put it back and get what YOU want.  I guarantee, once you begin to get to know yourself better, you will know which voices are your authentic needs, and which are just programming.

The good news is, you can literally be practicing this ALL OF THE TIME.  From how you sit in your chair, to what you wear, how you breathe, how you feel and on and on.  Don't stress about it, or take it too seriously, you have all the time in the world,and you are not being graded. ;)

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