Thursday, May 1, 2014

Smile on Eachother, Everybody....

Before I lapse into my day, I am going to check in with a moment of gratitude. I am grateful for my life, and grateful for the people in my life. Things are just things and they will fall away. They are made to be temporary. The connections we make with people will be with us forever, whether positive, or negative.

Friends come and go, and some stay and stay despite distance and silence. We are gifted to have briefly met someone who will change our life forever. You never know. Always be kind, because that person could be your next best friend, or they may have something to teach you, or you them.

We do not encounter souls randomly on this planet, we are all connected. Be grateful for the time you spend, because it may end sooner than you thought.

I was blessed to meet a lovely woman when I was training to be a Yoga teacher. I remember how not only how nice she was, but also how authentic. Unafraid to ask questions, or challenge answers. She came out and talked to me on lunch one day, just because. It was at a time in my life when I was still getting used to people looking forward to seeing me, or smiling and hugging me. (I was not a nice person in my past, and had been carrying that old feeling with me, even though I had made a 180 many years ago.) She talked to me, and so did all of the other beautiful souls who had been strangers only 4 weeks ago. People, warm fuzzy people. All different and special, all with big open hearts.

At graduation this lovely woman presented to our teacher a piece of art that she had created with the help of the rest of the class, we decorated CD's and she made a collage. It was a beautiful moment of true bonding. I have never felt anything like it. Until I found out she died. It was so sudden. She was on;y a bit older than I am, and nobody had heard she was sick. So, it hit us like a ton of bricks, and we all came together to share our memories. It was also a beautiful moment of hearts connecting, this time to grieve. We sang and made a nature mandala in her honor. Then, parted ways. Merry meet again.

Today, take the time to really appreciate the people in your life, and maybe open up to adding some new ones. Make real human connections with those you encounter at the store, or at work and school. They may be hiding something and your cosmic duty is to shoot them a smile and say hello, validate that they matter to the planet. You matter, I appreciate you. Thank you for stopping by.

Enjoy this lovely tune: Let's Get Together

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